Getting to Know the Staff: Nicole Andrescavage

Attorney Nicole Andrescavage was admitted to practice in Massachusetts in November of 2019. A graduate of the Roger Williams University School of Law, Nicole’s interests led her to take courses in maritime and environmental law, and she was President of the law school’s Maritime Law Society. Learn more about this aspiring young attorney. We are proud to have her on the team.

How has the COVID-19 quarantine precautions changed the way you work?

I work remotely for a small number of hours per week, and each member of the firm is capable of remote work based on how the firm is structured, so the biggest change for me was that I was home all the time! Other than managing a little cabin fever (I’m notoriously incapable of sitting still for very long), my work has been relatively the same, albeit from a different location. My two dogs pretend they never have enough exercise (despite having a lot), but they’re good sports while I’m busy.

Why did you decide to go into the legal field that you are in?  

I wanted to use the knowledge and skills I had amassed in undergraduate and graduate studies, combine those with legal skills, and advocate for water-based resources and the people who rely on them most. I have always loved being on the water, and I respect all that it gives to me, so this passion has always guided me. Environmental law, energy law, and maritime law naturally intersect all the time, so it was a great fit for me.

What part of your job do you think is something most people would not realize?

I think in certain types of law, there’s a lot of passion for the job outside of work. No one really goes into environmental, energy, or maritime law without being interested and truly invested in the subjects. Many, if not all, of the successful attorneys in these areas of law “walk the walk,” so to speak: they’ve worked in the outdoors or on the water, they’ve dedicated their studies to these subjects, they’ve grown up in families that have worked in the nearby environment, they enjoy being outside and want to spread that enjoyment to others. I think people may not see that passion and dedication until they work directly with their attorney, but it makes for some great advocacy.

Is there a specific type of client that should REALLY consider hiring a firm like Desautel Law?

Seeing the recent emphasis in Rhode Island on our “blue economy,” I believe ocean-related businesses would certainly benefit from hiring our firm. Every marine/maritime industry business comes in contact with state and federal laws that affect their business all the time, from ferries and shipping to the agents, pilots, fishermen, and tug and towing groups. They would benefit from having an attorney who understands the law and their business before any problems arise. A mentor of mine always emphasized knowing the people in the fire with you BEFORE the fire breaks out, and I have seen just how important than can be.

Do you have any hidden talents, fun hobbies or other unique things about your personality?

Most of my hobbies are sports-related. In law school, a lot of my classmates and some of the faculty thought it was really interesting that I used to practice martial arts and that I’ve done some MMA. Now, I still play soccer a few times a week, ski in the winter, and I’m working on learning to sail more than just Hartley 12s and Sonars (I grew up on boats with motors). I also played in the RI lawyer’s softball league during law school. My hidden talents are my gardening skills and how much I read.

Where did you grow up, go to high school?

I was born and raised in Smithfield, RI and went to Smithfield High School. I live in Smithfield now as well, though I have spent time living in a number of places including New York City and Crete, Greece.


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