Getting to Know the Staff: Kallie Longval

Attorney Kallie Longval was admitted to the Rhode Island state bar in November 2019. Kallie graduated from Roger Williams University School of Law where she was a member of the Environmental Moot Court team and competed in the National Environmental Law Moot Court Competition in 2018 and 2019. Learn more about this aspiring young attorney. We are proud to have her on the team.

How have the COVID-19 quarantine precautions changed the way you work?

Most of my meetings are through Zoom now, but I have been back to the courtroom a bit more now and we are in the office again (taking all precautionary measures, of course).

Why did you decide to go into the legal field that you are in?

There is not a specific thing that made me decide to become an environmental lawyer, it was a combination of many things throughout my life that brought me down this path. I grew up sailing and spending a lot of time outdoors, hiking and camping throughout New England. I spent a year working on my family’s lobster boat and eventually went on to get my undergraduate degree in marine biology. Environmental law provides me with a pathway to stay connected to my roots while pursuing my passion for conservation of the natural world by advocating for my clients.

What part of your job do you think is something most people would not realize?

Attorneys have a certain familiarity with the state and municipal agency schemes, and we are more aware of how information the general public has access to is utilized. With our legal training, we are able to provide clients with information quickly and efficiently because of this, and use information and evidence to advocate for our clients’ preferred outcomes.

Is there a specific type of client that should REALLY consider hiring a firm like Desautel Law?

The aquaculture industry is really starting to pop up in Rhode Island. I think anyone that has their “toes in the water” in that industry should consult with an attorney who has experience in the permitting process, like those of us here at Desautel Law. There’s quite a bit of interest in the firm surrounding water resources of all kinds—fresh and saltwater. Anyone dealing with public access issues, drinking water, related permitting, dams, etc. should consider working with an environmental attorney, and Desautel Law attorneys have experience with these issues. We want everyone to be able to positively experience nature and its resources, and we enjoy using the law to help them do so.

Do you have any hidden talents, fun hobbies or other unique things about your personality?

I enjoy surfing and playing with my dog in my free time. I was in the process of registering for a stand-up comedy class before the Covid-19 pandemic put that on hold. I laugh at myself and my own jokes more than anyone else. I really enjoy hearing laughter and seeing people smile. I also enjoy drawing and painting—favoring charcoal medium.

Where did you grow up, go to high school?

I was born in Ipswich, Massachusetts and grew up in Hamilton, Massachusetts. I attended the local public school system. What I love most about where I grew up is the fascinating history of the area, as well as the preservation of that history through museums and parks. Ipswich has the most seventeenth-century houses in the entire country. The park I grew up near in Hamilton, Patton Park (named for its namesake General George S. Patton), has a World War II tank and two pillars that were gifts from French towns in Normandy which General Patton’s battalion helped liberate in World War II.
